Proud To Be 1D Big Family

Hi Readers

Two months ago Harry, Niall, Liam, Zayn and Louis had an idea. They wanted to meet Directioners from all over the world and thank them for being such amazing fans.
So, they released Bring Me to 1D!

Go1Den Tickets were sent out across the globe. Winners got the chance to fly to New York, see the Madison Square Garden concert and spend a very special day with the boys themselves.

It was an amazing day, not just for those lucky Go1Den Ticket winners, but for the boys too. They got to meet fans who represented nearly every corner of the Directioner world.
And, it wasn't just the Go1Den ticket winners who got to be the stars of the show. The boys loved the Twitter wall and read your words of support! They saw your nail designs, had their favourite Greetings videos and your art really caught their eye! Zayn even added to the fan wall himself!

Every part of it made them feel so close to all the Directioners out there.
To share how amazing the day was, the boys put some videos together to share the story and show off just how amazing the 1D Family truly is. Over the next few days we'll be releasing that content just for you, today,

It's amazing to be part of the 1D Family!

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Hai kenalin! Gue Rizka, sekarang mahasiswa Konservasi Sumberdaya Hutan dan Ekowisata IPB. Gue sukanya banyak, salah satunya adalah nulis dan makin kesini gue makin menyadari ada banyak hal dalam hidup ini yang kadang perlu dikritisi, didukung, atau disebarluaskan. Makanya blog adalah tempat yang gue rasa tepat untuk menyalurkan semua itu. Sambil sesekali bisa jadi tempat gue berbagi cerita. Salam kenal dan selamat membaca!


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