
Mood. Everyone has mood offcourse. Feelings that humans feel in certain conditions. When 'fun' is in the atmosphere, absolutely our mood is going to be good. If the atmosphere bad, our mood is going to be bad too. It is really normal for humans. But, now, I often see people that couldn't control their moods. This is the topic that I want to share to.

Mood is normal. But, we shouldn't always 'obey' to 'what normal's'. Kita ngga seharusnya selalu nurutin suatu kenormalan. Right? Senormal apapun 'mood' itu, we must control it nicely. Remind our own selves that mood is controlled by brain. If we always think from the positive sides, I swear we can keep our mood good. You know, being moody is just make your succeed pending.

I believe, you often or ever been in this condition, someone in a sudden just look at you really mad. Wont speak. Dont you feel she was blaming you, do you? Or when you did nothing, suddenly a person become angry to anyone. I bet youre agree that at that condition, anybody around the person seen like the wrong one.

How's your feelings at that time? Not good, I know. Now, how if you are the 'bad' person? You just dont care with anything around you. Dont care to who you speak. All you wanna show to people just your mood. Like you announce people, "Hello, world. Im unmood right now. Do not touch me or I'll kill you." But in other position, you look like tell people, "I'm unmood now. Please care about me." Betul, kan? And anybody who read the 'announcement' always do wrong. Serba salah. Peduli? salah. Just silent? salah juga.

Well, we must control our mood. Mood isn't a reason for us to be bad. Control it! Jika perlu sebuah pelurusan, bicarakan baik-baik. Jangan tiba2 langsung cemberut, ga mau ngomong, ngga mau ketawa, etc. Its disgusting in my eyes. There's no relation between 'mood' and being a 'terrible person'. Overmore, if you're a teacher. Or anybody that works by sociate with people. This what I've just had. 

A teacher should separate his/her private circle and his/her public circle. A teacher couldn't angry to students because of problems in her private circle. Thats really unfair, right? If a student, went to school happily. With big smile on his face. But, when he arrived, his teacher had angry to him just because the teacher's mood wasn't good at that time. What happened with the boy? He lost spirits of 'learning'. Is this right: It seems like the teacher kill the student slowly. First, his spirit, then his mind, his activities. Until he become paralyzed.

The point is, everyone must control their own moods. Because 'mood' is coming from brain. Just see everything bay its positive. And being moody is never good. Geez...


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Hai kenalin! Gue Rizka, sekarang mahasiswa Konservasi Sumberdaya Hutan dan Ekowisata IPB. Gue sukanya banyak, salah satunya adalah nulis dan makin kesini gue makin menyadari ada banyak hal dalam hidup ini yang kadang perlu dikritisi, didukung, atau disebarluaskan. Makanya blog adalah tempat yang gue rasa tepat untuk menyalurkan semua itu. Sambil sesekali bisa jadi tempat gue berbagi cerita. Salam kenal dan selamat membaca!


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