A Day with Jaisher

Last Friday, I and all of Jaish (Journalist Association of Insantama Senior High School) members were going to the ‘BIG HUT’ of Fajri.fm. One of some famous radio in Bogor-also in Bandung. We got started at 2 pm by public-city-transportation which called ANGKOT :D Then, arrived there one point five hours later. People in Fajri.fm said ‘welcome’ to us, then they asked to the Jaisher for going to the main hall. At the hall, we heard a presentation by Kak Yusuf. He told us about the profile of Fajri.fm itself, told us how to be a good announcer, and also how Islam has a direction, include in radio-world.

Fajri.fm is a radio that genre as ISLAM, it has a slogan, “Suara Kebangkitan Islam”. So, they don’t want to promote something in lies. They just wanna say the right, if the products are good, they say it’s good. If the products aren’t good, they won’t to promote. In this office, the workers are just male. You can’t see a woman that work in here. They said, this rule is because they want to keep everything in the right way. Waro. They’re just afraid if the announcer is a female, then something bad will be happen. Such like fitnah, ghorizah, and other. Meanwhile, they afraid if there’s a women that work in here, there will be a bad thing between the males and females. To muddle.

After got knowledges, we pray Ashar in the mosque. Then, Kak Muaz show us how they work in radio. First, he show us the production room. In here, many of buzziest people work. Most of them are using iMac! (how cool,eah?). Production room is a room to make products :p Such like, dvd, so the matterials don’t just lost like that but could be permanent. Then to edit the sounds. To made it separated or make it united.
The second, he show us the room in the 2nd floor. It consist of many rooms. There’s a kitchen, that usefull when the worker are hungry. There’s also recording room. This room also divided into three room. Rubric room, news room, and the dialogue room. The Jaisher were feeling so happy to saw the rooms. The rooms are so cold, one room-one AC. The rooms also soundproof, so the sounds outside couldn’t heard inside, and sounds inside couldn’t heard from the outside. Some of us, given a chance to try announce something in these rooms. We learn how to record, and save, and so on.
our friend got the chance!
the on-air room

Then, Kak Muaz show us the Foundation Room. Where the fun set here. Saldo, debit and so on. Then he show us the on-air room. That consist of two, the setting room and the recording room. In on-air, we weren’t try to announce but its good enough for us to try sit on the sofa :D

At 5.30 pm, we going back to the dorm-and also by public transportation, haha. And arrived at dormitory when the adzan just fill the air. We were happy at all, we got new knowledges, new experiences, and others.

Dont ever forget the greet,

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Hai kenalin! Gue Rizka, sekarang mahasiswa Konservasi Sumberdaya Hutan dan Ekowisata IPB. Gue sukanya banyak, salah satunya adalah nulis dan makin kesini gue makin menyadari ada banyak hal dalam hidup ini yang kadang perlu dikritisi, didukung, atau disebarluaskan. Makanya blog adalah tempat yang gue rasa tepat untuk menyalurkan semua itu. Sambil sesekali bisa jadi tempat gue berbagi cerita. Salam kenal dan selamat membaca!


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